Now the discipline of Yoga begins

Sushil in front of Matterhorn, Switzerland. Photo © Peter Jaeggi.

Sapta Yoga Teacher Training in India

annually from February 1st to 28th

Next Sapta Yoga Teacher Training will be in our Ashram in West Bengal (India) from February 1 to 28.  If you are interested, please write to us at 


Please register as soon as possible. We have limited space. Thanks.


Please see below left side panel for more information about Sapta Yoga Ashram and courses offered in English. 


To see more photos and videos about Sapta Yoga Ashram and courses, please look into German side at Fotogalerie and Video. 

Yoga Therapy Course in India

please write to  More information.

Sapta Yoga International

Hofenstrasse 73

3032 Hinterkappelen




Könizstrasse 21 B 3008 Bern


+41 31 351 53 55


CH 72 0900 0000 3036 5211 2


Vom 15. bis 28. Februar Yoga und sightseeing im Sapta Yoga Ashram in Indien.

Bei Interesse melde Dich unter


Teacher training

in our Ashram

in India


Unser Ashram

in Indien

Our Ashram in India




unseres Ashrams 



of our Ashram

in India

Yoga Therapy


The course takes place in our Ashram in  India with Sushil Bhattacharya. 

More see here.


Lehrgang Yoga-Therapie in Indien 9. bis 28. März 2026

Geschichte des Yoga


Yogis fliegen weiter – 

Geschichte des Yoga und eine Einführung. U.a. Mit B.K.S. Iyengar, Dr. Heinz Dolibois und Ruth Waefler

Sushil's CD

Power of Mantra

Hörprobe hier

Sample: here